This is your warning….

I’ve started dieting and Ironman training.  Let the grumpassness begin.

Since I stopped paying for my awesome triathlon coach, I’ve also stopped watching what I eat.  It’s not like I eat super badly, but I don’t eat how an athlete should eat.  I really just don’t wanna do it.  This last year I’ve really enjoyed the carbs and more alcohol than I really should.  Ice cream, cookies, bagels, and vodka are just sooooo yummy.   I’m sure I’ve even had all of those in one day.  Hmmmmm.

Lately I’ve felt that the extra few pounds have really effected my training.  Not that I’m supa fast or have ever been, but I’ve been faster especially at peak training.   Since Elizabeth and I signed up for Ironman Texas again, we both decided to try to lose the extra weight and get down to our “race weight.”   Not really sure if I can remember what that is, it’s been sooooooo long since I’ve been at that weight.

Ironman training started last week as well as my Ironman diet.  I know I feel much better when I eat metabolic and the weight comes off faster too.  So that’s what I started.  I find that when I start dieting I end up cutting way too many calories.  That leads to grumpassness, sleepiness, zombiness, and being hungry all the damn time.  I even dream about food.  A little tip, stay off of Pinterest before bed while dieting.  It’s also effected my training.  My runs have been soooooo freaken slow.  I’m dizzy and even a tad nauseous on my longer runs.  I’ve lost a few pounds in the first week, but weighed myself this morning and what the actual fuck……all the weight was back!!!!!!  My body hates me right now.  And let me tell you, I hate it right back.  I think it’s trying to adjust to the extra workouts, the lack of food and whatever the fuck else.   I’m going to keep the calories a little higher with my long ride tomorrow and a long run on Sunday.  I’m hoping it helps the workouts a little bit.  I’m sure my family won’t mind if I eat a little bit more to help keep the grumpassness away too.

So now that you’ve been warned, you can decide if you want to try your luck around me for now.  Will I be grumpy or my cheerful self?  Who knows?


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